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Betsy Taylor, Center for a New American Dream
Betsy Taylor is executive director of the Center for a New American Dream in Takoma Park, Md. Sunday, 16 Jan 2000 TAKOMA PARK, Md. This morning felt like winter. It was wonderful to have a rush of frigid air in my face for a change after such a balmy December. Hoping for snow! After some […]
A Boy Named "Don't Sue"
It took a lawsuit to force Koch to clean up its act, but Texas Gov. George W. Bush (R) wouldn’t be interested in that sort of litigation as president. “I do not believe we can sue our way to clean air and clean water,” Bush said yesterday at a Rotary club luncheon in New Hampshire. […]
My, What a Big Smile You Have
A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that some 300 transplanted Canadian gray wolves can remain in the northern Rockies, a decision hailed by enviros as a boon for species recovery efforts. The ruling reversed a two-year-old decision by a federal judge who had found that the wolf reintroduction program in Yellowstone National Park and central […]
Temperatures in the 90s
Last year was the fifth hottest year ever recorded worldwide, and second hottest recorded in the U.S., despite a La Niña weather pattern that was supposed to cool off the Earth slightly, according to new figures from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Globally, the 1990s were the hottest decade ever recorded; each year of […]
Slick Move, EPA
If climate change isn’t reason enough for you to want to give the boot to fossil fuels, take this: Koch Industries, one of the largest U.S. pipeline operators, has been fined $35 million by the EPA for spilling 3 million gallons of oil into lakes and streams in six states, the largest civil fine ever […]
May We Take Your Order?
Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber (D) is drafting an executive order that would require the state government to conduct its business in an environmentally sustainable manner, another step forward in a state that passed the nation’s first bottle recycling bill and is known for its progressive land-use planning. The details of the executive order have yet […]
Star Fleet
Southern California air quality officials have proposed a controversial plan to gradually replace the 62,000 cars and trucks in government-owned fleets with state-of-the-art vehicles powered by electricity, natural gas, or other clean-burning fuels. The proposal by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the first of its kind in the nation, would affect everything from […]
This Time We Really, Really Mean It — Really
A worldwide rise in Earth’s surface temperatures is “undoubtedly real” and appears to have sped up over the last 20 years, according to a major new report released yesterday by a panel of the National Research Council. The panel estimated that temperatures over the last century rose between 0.7 and 1.4 degrees F, a 30 […]
Hill's Tree Blues
After living two years in giant California redwood to protest the logging of old-growth trees, Julia “Butterfly” Hill took her fight to ground-level yesterday. Hill, who descended from the branches in December, joined scores of other enviros in bringing a petition before the California state forestry board that would impose an immediate ban on old-growth […]