Articles by Brentin Mock
Brentin Mock is a staff writer at CityLab and Grist's former justice editor. Follow him on Twitter at @brentinmock.
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Environmental justice leaders to Obama: There’s a gap in your climate plan
When the president unveiled his climate action plan last summer, he failed to account for the underserved communities that bear the brunt of our fossil fuel addiction. A new petition aims to change that.
Rebel smell: In the Deep South, dirty energy and disenfranchisement go hand in hand
The states with the dirtiest energy just happen to be where they do people of color the dirtiest. Can clean energy help fix that?
Secondhand smoke: Why East Coast cities are still choking on Midwest pollution
When Midwestern states and their industrial friends sued over a new EPA rule, they got just what they wanted: to keep polluting, and poisoning, as long as possible.
Smokestack city: An industrial neighborhood decides it has had enough
Inspired by South African activists who fought government-imposed housing evictions, Baltimore youth battle plans to build a garbage-burning power plant in an already polluted community.