Articles by Sarah Miller
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This site tells you how to save the world exactly like your favorite celebrities
Imagine if you suddenly got famous and really rich, and you had no idea what other rich and famous people did with their money. Imagine the sleepless nights, as the paparazzi made a racket outside and you lay there torturing yourself, wondering what to do with all that unneeded cash. Before, you might have had […]
Short awesome video explains why oil companies suck to people who already know
This nifty/depressing video explains how yes, technically, there’s more oil, but the financial and environmental costs of reaching it make it so that it really might as well not exist.
Alicia Silverstone thinks the true injustice is that Pussy Riot isn’t getting vegan cuisine
It’s, like, so totally uncool that Russian punksters Pussy Riot are in jail for singing a song that suggested that their president, scary asshole Vladimir Putin, is a scary asshole. And if this uncoolness were a vegan terrine, actress/vegan activist Alicia Silverstone would like to point out that the thickest layer, the layer that’s maybe […]
Earthquake! Quick, everyone into the $6,000 earthquake-proof bed!
When there is an earthquake most people run to a table or a doorway to ride it out. But if the people at Shinto Industries have their way, the new go-to destination for seismic activity will be this bed, made out of aged cedar and reinforced with special metal fittings.