In Sweden, city planners and the country’s traffic authority are looking into building a four-lane bike superhighway between the university town of Lund and Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest cities and one of its most diverse.
Cities like London have invested in protected lanes that they call “bike superhighways,” but this one would be one of the first to connect two cites (you know, like an actual highway). The designs for the trail have it following the path of railway tracks, protected from wind by fences and hedgerows.
In both cities, biking’s a popular form of transportation (Malmö’s just across the water from Copenhagen), and they’re not too far from each other, about 12.5 miles. That means the highway wouldn’t be so much longer than some of the more ambitious London routes linking the outer ‘burbs to the inner city. But 12.5 miles also makes for a very do-able ride and an uber-sustainable way to get from one place to another.