Dozens of activists young, old, and in between walked 100 miles, from Camp David in Maryland to the White House, to call attention to their campaign for climate action and Keystone rejection. The Walk for Our Grandchildren, which wrapped up over the weekend, was one of many climate actions being coordinated all around the U.S. this summer.

Jay Mallin captured the highlights on video:

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Some of the marchers also got themselves arrested at the D.C. office of Environmental Resources Management, a consulting firm that worked on the State Department’s much-criticized draft environmental impact statement on the Keystone XL pipeline. Time reports:

Once inside ERM’s office, six locked arms in metal pipes labeled “No KXL,” blocking the elevator doors. When asked to leave, those that did not wish to be arrested set up a protest outside, and watched about 50 of their colleagues taken into custody for unlawful entry. Police brought in bull cutters to cut off the metal arms.

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Jay Mallin captured images of this protest too, this time in photographs: