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  • A new essay from the man

    Tom Engelhardt of the indispensable Tom’s Dispatch received permission from the editors of the New York Review of Books to reprint an essay by Bill McKibben that appears in the current issue. He passed that permission along to me. Thanks to Tom, the editors at NYRB, and of course Bill for his tireless advocacy. —– […]

  • It’s seductive — and wrong

    A new piece of conventional wisdom is rapidly congealing among mainstream pundits: global warming is happening, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Might as well just batten down the hatches and hope for the best. You’ll hear the same basic message from Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post columnist Robert Samuelson, Newsweek columnist George Will, […]

  • Does the Polar Bear Club Know About This?

    Vast lakes discovered underneath Antarctic ice sheet Thrilling hairy men in Speedos everywhere, satellite-wielding scientists have mapped new lakes deep below Antarctica’s legendary ice. The finds, they say, could help predict how the area will respond to climate change. According to research published online in the journal Science, the lakes, some of which span hundreds […]

  • If It Weren’t for Those Meddling Kids

    Legislators around the globe demand climate-change action This week, Canada’s House of Commons voted 161 to 113 to force the Conservative government to stick to its Kyoto Protocol greenhouse-gas emissions targets and punish over-polluting industries. Since taking power in 2006, the Conservatives have continually claimed that Kyoto targets would be simply impossible to reach, dahling, […]

  • More fun with analogies!

    I commend everyone to this article by Ben Adler on American Prospect, which addresses a perpetually overlooked strategy to reduce oil use and combat global warming: With all the focus on … “alternate energy programs,” too many [politicians] are ignoring a long-existing technology that, unlike, say, ethanol, already has the power to radically reduce our […]

  • Gore launches massive effort to combat climate change

    Breaking news: Al Gore (along with Pharrell Williams, Cameron Diaz, and others) today officially launched Save Our Selves (SOS) – The Campaign for a Climate in Crisis. (Watch the live news conference here.) The campaign begins with concerts on seven continents — including one broadcast from Antarctica (not sure how that will work or how, […]

  • I’m Rich, Beach

    Oil lobbyist, former U.S. officials combat rumors of unethical real-estate deal We would never engage in idle speculation about the allegedly unethical relationship between a ConocoPhillips oil lobbyist, a former U.S. Interior top dog, and the Justice Department’s freshly resigned lead eco-prosecutor. But the big boys would, and we consider it our duty to share. […]

  • Tune in Tomorrow

    Leaders around the world leap into the climate-promise arena Today we bring you another edition of Leaders Making Big Climate Promises! In New Zealand, Prime Minister Helen Clark announced a goal to make her country the world’s first carbon-neutral nation. Zowie! British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell says he’ll set up a climate team to cut […]

  • More buzz about the Live Earth concerts

    Buzz about the global-warming-focused concert series expected to “dwarf” Live Aid is continuing to, well, buzz. Speculation about who will perform has begun — with U2, Coldplay, Madonna, and Kylie Minogue topping the list. (There are even rumors of a Spice Girls reunion.) Though most sources are calling the series “Live Earth,” one whisper site […]

  • See, We’ll Be Fine

    Research shows carbon dioxide sinks deeper into oceans than estimated Researchers have long known that the world’s oceans absorb some of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It’s a boon and a bane, helping to stem the tide of climate change while causing acidification that hurts Nemo and friends. But new research shows that […]