At the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, former President Bill Clinton blasted the GOP for supporting climate science denial. As Brad Johnson of ThinkProgress Green reports, Clinton was asked about what Americans can do to fight climate change and replied:

If you’re an American, the best thing you could do is to make it politically unacceptable to engage in denial. We look like a joke. You can’t win the nomination of one of the major parties in our country if you admit that the scientists are right … It’s really tragic. We need the debate in America, and every country, between people who are a little bit to the right and a little bit to the left about what the best way is to reduce our greenhouse-gas emissions … and we can’t have this conversation because we’ve got to deny it?

Speaking of people who can’t win the nomination of their party, Jon Huntsman called Rick Perry out by name on his climate denial. Huntsman told Bloomberg’s “Political Capital With Al Hunt” that “I think on science he’s out of the mainstream.”

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Here’s the video:

“If you’re going to run from climate science, if you’re going to run from other mainstream scientific principles, evolution among them, I think you’re suggesting to a whole lot of people out there that you’re out of the mainstream … Rick has been outspoken in that regard. I think on science he’s out of the mainstream.”

Perry is so far out of the mainstream that’s he’s not in the water at all.

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Heck, given the once-in-a-multi-century drought Texas is experiencing, we even have a visual depiction of just how far out of the mainstream Perry is:

Sunken sailboat in dried-up lakeLow water levels in Texas expose a sunken sailboat.Photo: Sara Robertson