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  • Steffen makes good points

    Sustainable consumerism — i.e., buying greener stuff — is a hot topic these days. Opinions range from "hey, it’s a low-impact way of drawing people into the sustainability movement” to “it’s perpetuating a horrendous illusion, that the modern American consumer lifestyle can ever be sustainable.” I’ll admit to having some sympathy with both these perspectives. […]

  • What are you doing to respond to the climate crisis?

    Orion magazine has a brand new section, of interest to all Gristmill readers, where folks from all over are encouraged to write in and share what changes their families, communities, churches, etc. are undertaking to respond, now, to the climate crisis, peak oil, etc. I've seen so many ripe ideas posted on Gristmill, BioD's plug-in hybrid bike being a good example. So have a look at some of these great ideas and initiatives (a clustered, renewably-powered, affordable housing community in Missoula, for example) in the first installment of this section, called Making Other Arrangements, and share your own projects and ideas.

  • … especially at an auto show

    Possibly in an attempt to convince attendees that a green auto show actually can be sexy, the UK's Eden Project named their eco-car fiesta -- wait for it -- "the Sexy Green Auto Show."

    Luckily it seems to be living up to its moniker with an abundance of tempting auto treats, from a Volkswagen that gets 72 mpg to a racing car that can run on a 50 percent blend of jatropha nut biodiesel.

    And god bless 'em, I saw zero scantily clad babes in the show's program -- just a whole lot of carbon fiber and flex-fuel engines. Now that's sexy.

  • Light for your rights

    So last week, my roommates were out of town. And just before they left, one of their cars was broken into and slightly trashed. Alas, this simple act of vandalism has ushered in a new era of paranoia in the house -- and in the twisted funhouse that is my brain.

    Needless to say, I did not sleep well while I was alone in the house. Lord knows, I could have used this stylish and oh-so-practical nightlight made from recycled cans. Its tiny beam of yellow brilliance would have shone a bit of happy reality into my nasty nighttime imaginings.

    Next time, I suppose.

  • Lots o’ good stuff therein

    This week’s TIME has a big package of stories on global warming. Upping the ante on the de rigueur “10 things you can do,” the magazine offers a whopping 51, an odd mix of large structural reforms and consumer tips like drying your clothes on a clothesline. Coming in at No. 1? Ethanol. Oy. Then […]

  • It’s

    Oh, dear. This video is HIGH-larious. And at the same time utterly, utterly depressing.

    Without further ado: "What We Call the News."

  • The latest on this earth-shattering story

    This past Friday, I was once again invited to be on FOX’s Hannity & Colmes. Last time, you’ll recall, I was to discuss the grave and momentous subject of Al Gore’s hypocrisy. This time, the subject was even graver and momentouser: John Travolta‘s hypocrisy. (Last time I got bumped for Daryl Hannah. This time I […]

  • Good one, Google

    I’ll admit it. Google’s Gmail Paper April Fools Day gag got me late last night when I was all tired and groggy and indignant: “Everyone loves Gmail. But not everyone loves email, or the digital era. What ever happened to stamps, filing cabinets, and the mailman? Well, you asked for it, and it’s here. We’re […]

  • An excellent new photo blog

    My new favorite blog in the whole wide world is Shorpy, "the 100-year-old photo blog." It’s just what it says: it collects old pictures. That description doesn’t do it justice, though. It’s fascinating. For instance, check out this picture of Miss America contestants from 1927 — interesting to see how standards of beauty have and […]

  • Internet TV that doesn’t suck!

    I confess I had never heard of before they wrote us. It’s an internet TV station that grew out of Vice magazine. Poking around their site, I must say it looks pretty damn cool. Raw, but cool. I’ve been wondering when a viable internet TV production outfit will pop up. Maybe this is it. […]