Shortly after Hillary Clinton accepted the Democratic nomination for president on Thursday night, Broad City dream team Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson joined Stephen Colbert on the Late Show to celebrate the historic moment … as delegates from the Second Continental Congress in 1776.

“I just wanted you to know it’s 2016 and we finally have a female presidential nominee,” Colbert told the pair, who joined the studio through the magic of time travel and satellite transmission.

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“Well, butter my bonnet! That is incredible!” said Jacobson. “I’m going to celebrate by making a meal for my husband, then cleaning it up immediately.”

“You hear that, Ben Franklin?” Glazer added. “Women are on top! And not just your French whores!”

The two went on to marvel at the fact that it’s taken nearly two and a half centuries for the country to get a female presidential nominee. Watch the full segment above. But for an analysis of what her acceptance speech — and nomination — might mean for those of us living in the Worst Year of Our Lord 2016, go here.