Oh, you live in 300 square feet? How nice for you. I mean, this house is only three feet wide, but I’m sure you’re very committed to minimalist living too.

How does Nils Holger Moormann’s “Walden” get away with being so skinny? Well, it basically doesn’t have an inside — storage is incised into the outer wall, and the breakfast nook is a sort of pass-through cutout of the center. It inverts the usual “house” concept, of an empty space surrounded by walls. Instead, it’s more of a wall with some empty spaces in which you can eat, cook, and sleep.

This is probably not a permanent living solution. It’s all very well and good to name it “Walden,” for instance, but Massachusetts (home of Walden Pond) is one place this would never fly — you would definitely need reliably mild and dry weather. But it’s portable, which means you could just load it up and follow the sun. Isn’t wandering the country while living inside a piece of wood part of every college kid’s dream? Or am I thinking of termites?