We feel kind of the same way about liquified natural gas as Regina George felt about “fetch” — everyone just needs to stop trying to make it happen.

landfille gas

Wisconsin DNR

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But people more powerful than us, like T. Boone Pickens, won’t give it up, so we’re probably not going to switch over to 100 percent algae fuel or something anytime soon. Given those circumstances, we’re not mad that a Pickens-backed company in California is selling fuel made from methane that originated at landfills and other waste sources. Beats fracking!

The New York Times reports:

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Clean Energy Fuels will announce on Thursday that it has started selling a fuel made of methane from landfills and other waste sources at its more than 40 filling stations in California. The company … is developing a nationwide network of natural gas pumps and plans to introduce the fuel elsewhere as well.

The company expects to sell 15 million gallons of the fuel in California this year, more than double the amount of similar fuels the Environmental Protection Agency projected would be produced nationwide.

Methane leaks do contribute substantially to climate change, but according to the Times, the methane-based fuel is less harmful to the atmosphere than regular car fumes. And, given that we’re standing in Regina’s shoes here, I guess we’d rather be hit by a methane-fueled bus than a gas-fueled bus, if that’s what takes for this story to have a happy ending.