Photo by eric lynch.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of our Ask Umbra advice column, and to celebrate, we’re pulling a favorite gem of eco-advice out of the archives each week. With Memorial Day weekend approaching, we thought it was time to revisit how to be properly patriotic. From Seattle reader Anne B.:

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“Like any proud American, I want to fly our flag 24 hours a day to show my reverence for this awesome country. I am torn, though, because section 6a of the Flag Code requires the flag to be lit up during hours of darkness and this conflicts with my desire to cut back on my energy use. Can this rule be ignored in the name of the environment?”

Umbra reads Anne’s flag its rights, wonders if Seattle’s gloomy weather rains on Anne’s parade more than the night sky, and ceremoniously suggests a solution that will keep her flag basking in glory as long anyone is looking. Read on for the full Umbra answer.

Find more of Umbra’s pearls of wisdom here.