Climate Science
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The best green action plan we’ve ever seen
It is possible that we are suckers for this North Face campaign because it instructs participants to read Grist every day. But even before we noticed that part, we thought it was one of the best templates for taking green action we’ve come across. The Protect Our Winters (POW) pledge has seven ways to fight […]
U.S. gangs up with Saudi Arabia to crush European climate initiative
All the world's countries love to talk piously about the need to address climate change. What happens if someone goes beyond talk to action? If the E.U.'s aviation program is any indication, it ain't pretty.
Chihuahua-size horses caused by climate change
After they first appeared in the fossil record, horses got smaller as a result of a warming planet, says a study just published in Science. Thing is, proto-horses weren't that big to begin with.
The sky is falling! (No, really.)
This is not a joke: The sky is falling. Or technically, the height of clouds, the average of which decreased about 1 percent from 2000 to 2010. Researchers at the University of Auckland, who collected the data, attributed the change to a drop in the number of clouds formed at high altitudes.
Submarine data will be declassified for climate science
Some of the data gathered by Royal Navy nuclear submarines is going to be declassified in order to aid climate scientists' study of the polar oceans, which are melting and wreaking havoc on global weather patterns already.
Raccoon invasion! Masked bandits are taking over our cities
These furry beasts are sooooo cute -- until they break into the house, tear up the garden, or turn up dead in the silverware drawer. Some say city life is making them smarter. The real problem: They’re an awful lot like us.
Activists get Amazon to stop selling whale meat
Weird things available on in the U.S. include wolf urine, fresh rabbit, canned unicorn, deer butt, and (fake) horse heads. But until yesterday, the company’s Japanese subsidiary was selling something a lot more grisly: whale bacon, whale stew, whale jerky, and canned whale meat. Now, only a day after the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) put […]
The doughnut of justice: A new way to think about growth
Here's a new framework for thinking about how we can improve humanity's quality of life without exceeding ecological boundaries. Happily, it’s shaped like a doughnut.
Prove climate change doesn’t exist, get an awesome gun
Todd Tanner will give you his gun when you pry it from his cold, convinced-of-the-nonexistence-of-climate-change hands. Tanner, the chair of the new group Conservation Hawks — sportsmen (i.e. hunters) who don’t want climate change to ruin their fun — has challenged anyone to prove to him that climate change shouldn’t be a concern. If you […]
Beach bummer: Time to kiss your coastal real estate goodbye
Climate change is rearing its head around the Chesapeake Bay, where sea level is projected to rise 3 feet by century’s end, and more severe storm surges are a certainty. Longtime environmental writer Tom Horton says it’s time to put the kibosh on coastal development, and beat an “orderly retreat” inland.