A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
The U.S. government's most comprehensive report on the effects of climate change details challenges for every part of the country.
A couple hundred overlooked public officials control the U.S. power grid — and some of them are on your ballots.
A Floodlight analysis in nine of the 10 states that elect public utility commissioners found that more than a third of their contributions of $250 and up are from fossil fuel and electric utility interests — more than $13.5 million in all.
An outdated land management ideology with roots in colonialism is keeping California and the West from taking essential steps toward mitigating increasingly destructive wildfires.
Records show law enforcement has called demonstrators possible "domestic terrorism" threats.
A curious decision by the new administration could open protected wilderness to energy exploration.
Experts explain why.
How crop insurance is subsidizing the conversion of prairie grassland to cornfields -- and seeding a dismal future.
Joy Hughes was living in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, a place with a “tremendous amount of solar potential,”...