A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
The fight shows that activists can take on the fossil fuel economy and win.
The meat industry is the only major source of greenhouse gases in the country excluded from filing annual emissions reports.
The plan was just formally published Friday morning, but it already faces legal challenges from 24 states.
The Cornhusker State is the third windiest in the union, but it ranks in the bottom half in terms of wind-power generation. Some state lawmakers are trying to change that.
A state law calls for a study of how "cyclical climate change" could affect the state. Climate scientists don't know what that means and don't want anything to do with it.
Danelle Myer realized she had the freedom to do something radical, so she started an organic farm.
Fish escaping from aquaculture pens is a really big problem, with a really great name: Fishbreaks!
An oil company allegedly offered an Iowa landowner the services of a teenage prostitute in exchange for allowing a pipeline in his yard.
A new Sierra Club service will message you when the air gets really bad in your area.