A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
New research sheds light on the Global Climate Coalition’s efforts to block legislation.
Two artists and their army of ad-clicking bots are taking a stand.
The National Climate Assessment makes clear we've got a lot of work to do. These cities and states are leading the way.
Searches for the phrase have soared 565 percent over the past year.
Insights: Proponents of a heftier, coordinated grid assess its importance — and barriers to their visions.
And what the cleanup shows us about the power of federal waterway protections
It's cheaper to build and operate new wind and solar plants than it is to continue using existing coal or gas plants in almost half the world.
As the West's megadrought continues, communities reliant on hydroelectric power — including tribes and rural towns — face shortages.
Communities near the sea complain of headaches, nosebleeds, asthma, and other health problems.