A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Indigenous leaders worry redistricting will lead to more disenfranchisement and environmental issues.
Investor-state dispute settlements increasingly allow oil and gas investors to sue countries over their climate policies.
But 1.5 degrees, the world’s most ambitious goal, still looks out of reach.
A threat to "freedom"? How a new study changed minds in the real world.
The legal battle has major implications for drivers' pocketbooks, and for the climate.
China dominates production of the crucial metals, and wind companies are scouring the globe for more sources.
The collaboration between coal, oil, and railroads goes back decades.
And why the shrinking lake might be key to meeting America's clean energy goals.
The company is learning how to scale with "Mammoth," as new direct air capture startups are following in its footsteps.