A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
It’s Wednesday, October 20, and an industry that pollutes a ton finally announced a climate goal. For the first...
A new analysis takes a wide look at the company’s influence in Arizona, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and West Virginia.
'We're looking at some measure of greenwashing in the largest program in the world.'
New study: Sprinkling red seaweed in cattle feed slashes methane burps
Despite stereotypes, there's really only one characteristic they all share: They hate being told what to do.
The researcher Hamza Hamouchene outlines a path toward a clean energy future without "green colonialism."
The bill drew criticism from both sides of the aisle, but it's unclear how it would affect U.S. emissions.
The number of Black people who died in traffic collisions rose by nearly a quarter last year.
Climate change is keeping us up at night in more ways than one.