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  • Copenhagenfreude: Inhofe’s “truth squad” steps on a rake [VIDEO]

    Before Copenhagen fades into memory I want to celebrate one of its lesser noted but more delightful chapters. If you recall, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) was planning on rounding up some fellow senators and heading to Copenhagen as a “truth squad.” The “truth” he intended to impart to world leaders is that the U.S. Senate […]

  • Terminator 2009

    Cross-posted from TomDispatch. It’s clear now that, from her immoveable titanium bangs to her chaotic approximation of human speech, Sarah Palin is a Terminator cyborg sent from the future to destroy something — but what? It could be the Republican Party she’ll ravage by herding the fundamentalists and extremists into a place where sane fiscal […]

  • The moral equivalent of slavery

    Abolitionists were considered outrageous in their day … and yet.Library of CongressThe problem with relying on World War II as the historical parallel for an energetic, last-minute drive by the U.S. to save the world from climate cataclysm, is that it depends on domestic climate impacts equivalent to Pearl Harbor to kick the whole thing […]

  • Three good things that might come from Copenhagen

    Copenhagen was a disaster for anyone who anticipated actual progress toward a functional global solution. What was true on Thursday (‘Empty’ climate deal worse then no deal, says White House) went out the window Friday, and an event that was to crown ten years of international effort produced utterly useless language, unenthusiastically scrabbled together in […]

  • Copenhagen: a look back at the most striking narratives

    Let the untangling of Copenhagen begin!Photo: Adam Selwood via Flickr Creative CommonsLast week was absolutely extraordinary, full of more drama and consequence than anything I’ve witnessed in the green world in the six years I’ve been covering it. It was the coming together of so many forces and narratives that the tangle will likely be […]

  • Dark winter days at the JP Green House

    Family and crew show their climate commitment at the JP Green House.As I write this, the Northeast is methodically being blanketed with a thick blessing of snow, shutting everything down, as if the earth knows we need comfort and beauty after this horrible week. The crisis of our planet manifested at Copenhagen. We held a […]

  • All over the map: Rounding up editorial reax to Copenhagen

    It’s too weak! … No, it was a fool’s errand to begin with … China is to blame! Of course not, it was the United States that brokered a bad deal for the world’s poor … There’s no hope … Progress was made, there’s more to do … Despair … Hope … theogeo via FlickrSuch […]

  • Key countries agreed to Copenhagen Accord

    In the late morning hours Saturday in Copenhagen, the overwhelming majority of countries adopted a new framework for addressing global warming.  This new agreement — called the Copenhagen Accord (available here) — was hammered out by 28 of the world’s key countries.  These countries represent over 80 percent of the world’s global warming pollution (both […]

  • A preliminary assessment of the Copenhagen Accord

    After years of preparation, the Fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP-15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) commenced on December 7th, 2009, and adjourned some two weeks later on December 19th after a raucous all-night session. The original purpose of the conference had been to complete negotiations on a new international […]