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Articles by Suzanne Jacobs

Suzanne Jacobs is a Grist fellow. Follow her on Twitter.

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You know how some parents have to check their kidsโ€™ bedrooms for monsters every night, even though they know there arenโ€™t any monsters, and deep down, the kids probably know that too? Well, a bunch of researchers effectively just checked the bedroom of every climate denier for lack of consensus on anthropogenic global warming, and just like the mom peering into her kidโ€™s closet for the 100th time, they came up empty.

There IS a scientific consensus on climate change, and it DOES hover around 97 percent, according to a study published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The unsurprising results come not from another superfluous survey of scientists and scientific papers, but rather, a survey of those surveys. Meaning the studyโ€™s authors, Merchants of Doubt co-author Naomi Oreskes among them, basically just double-, triple-, and quadruple-checked under the bed, beat a dead horse, banged their heads against a wall, wrote up their findings, and managed to do it all while not screaming, โ€œWE JUST DID THIS YESTERDAY. NOW SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP!โ€

Thatโ€™s because little Suzy is irrational, and so is a lot of America... Read more

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