Cross-posted from the Wonk Room.

The Senate is now debating Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) resolution to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific finding, mandated by the Supreme Court, that manmade greenhouse gases endanger the American public. This is nothing less than a crass political attempt to defuse an existential threat by pretending it does not exist. Industrial polluters have been promoting the idea that there is a global conspiracy by the world’s scientific organizations to deceive the public about the threat of global warming. Unfortunately, the threat of manmade climate change is all too real.

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I have prepared this infographic to help remind people on whose side the senators voting for Murkowski’s “Dirty Air Act” are (click to enlarge):


Senators like Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) are siding with radical polluter-fueled snake oil instead of the scientific institutions that provide the intellectual framework for modern civilization.