How can YOU take action? What’s YOUR plan?
1. DOES YOUR CITY HAVE A PLAN? Use Google to find out if your region has a mitigation and adaptation plan for climate change, like Toronto and New York have. (And if they don’t, then press your local politicians to develop one!)
2. MAKE YOUR OWN PLAN: Develop your own personal mitigation and adaptation plan. There are many actions each of us can take to protect ourselves and our property from floods, heat waves, power shortages, water shortages … etc. See the resources below for ideas such as this one from the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction: Handbook for Reducing Basement Flooding [PDF].
3. TAP INTO ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORKS: Get the ball rolling by participating in environmental action, or financially supporting, these environmental organizations and others:
Follow these great organizations on Twitter:, NRDC, Greenpeace, Grist, 1Sky, Sierra Club
- Take action in your community to build the future you want (not the one you fear).
- Connect with like-minded people. (Twitter can help to connect you.)
What Can One Person Do, When 6.8 Billion Are Frying The Planet? © 2010 Franke James
Photographs, illustrations, and writing by Franke James, MFA, except as noted below:
“Cruel Irony” illustration features: Tar sands photo by © Greenpeace
Finch Avenue on August 2005: Photos courtesy
Cover: “Ahead of the Storm” City of Toronto climate change brochure
Woolly Mammoth on Road photo-illustration by Franke James, using reproduction of antique mammoth engraving © istockphotos.
Heat Island graphic by Clean Air Partnership