In 110 meetings over less than two years, the Canadian government tried to convince Europe to delay or derail legislative changes that could affect the imports of tar-sands oil. Basically, Canada doesn’t want Europe to know how carbon-heavy the oil is, because that could affect U.S. and European imports. So they’re pushing it as environmentally friendly. Because hey, if you don’t know how dirty something is, maybe it’s clean!

We often talk about cutting carbon, but here's a reminder that cutting gases like methane and nitrous oxide can also slow climate change.

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The EPA found that, left to their own devices, companies don't tell consumers that their processes release or their products contain chemicals harmful to children.

Native Americans could be disproportionately hurt by climate change, since tribal lands are more vulnerable to problems like drought and wildfires.

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A consulting firm told Swedish burger chain Max Burgers that its main green problem was the fact that it sold burgers. So they tried to sell fewer burgers. Simple, elegant, effective, and basically the opposite of how Canada is acting about tar-sands oil — just like we like ‘em!

Now part of New York fashion week: a fleet of very fashionable bikes.