Nothing like another child on the way to get a gal thinking about the health of the planet. Apparently, Julia Roberts, who’s preggo again, is planning to green up her Malibu abode with some solar panels, recycled tiles, and sustainable wood products.

Julia Roberts, photo: WireImage

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Granted, said gal has been mulling such matters for a while now. (She’s a spokeswoman for Earth Biofuels.) Which explains her recent courageous decision to convert from a hybrid to a vegetable-oil-fueled auto despite the danger of smelling “like a French fry.”

Just think, Julia. You could turn this delightful new aroma of yours into a kajillion-selling celebrity perfume, launching a one-woman olfactory empire à la Britney Spears or Elizabeth Taylor. Unlike their ‘fumes, though, you can put yours in some kind of biodegradable receptacle and name it something a little more punny/wink-wink than “White Diamonds” or “Curious.”

Something like “Envi” or “Vert,” perhaps. Catchy, non?