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Texans should brace for more rainstorms, more drought, and more headaches
Climate change is doing a number on the Lone Star State.
Who is climate change killing this week?
California sea lion pups and New England moose -- that's who!
Climate forecast for Seattle: warmer and wetter, with a chance of deluge
Increasingly intricate climate models suggest that Seattle will be warmer and wetter on average -- but it's not averages that the city is worried about.
Cattle pollution is pissing off the Rocky Mountain ecosystem
Excess nitrogen is overfertilizing Colorado's parks and causing all sorts of strange problems.
These freaky maps show what extreme sea-level rise will do to China
As the world's ice sheets melt, cities like Shanghai could be heading underwater.
Is Seattle a model for sustainable cities, or just a mess?
In a new series, Grist explores the Emerald City, where the future looks increasingly crowded.
Most glaciers in Mount Everest area will disappear
About 5,500 glaciers could disappear or drastically retreat by the end of the century with severe impacts on farming and hydropower, say scientists.
Detroit turns the lights back on with a solar experiment
A Detroit neighborhood that lost its streetlights because it couldn't afford the bill tests a solar-powered alternative.
Conservationists are putting backpacks on owls — and it is so damn cute
This is about as adorable as it gets, folks.
The Santa Barbara oil spill is already killing a lot of animals
The waters off Santa Barbara carry a mosaic of unusual species, all of which are at risk of being damaged by the oil spill.