Is there anything that the rich and venal won’t do to stave off limits on jet flights? The new scam is a discussion of laundering the fossil fuels through “biofuels” …

Yeah, it’s not enough that we’re going to starve people and destroy the “last six inches of topsoil in Iowa” to propel SUVs … now we have to add jets to the mix. With creative accounting (and ignoring that jets pump tons of water vapor into the atmosphere [_at a level_] where it has no natural presence) we can all pretend that we’re “reducing” the environmental cost of flying.

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And, wait for it, the hallmark of the feel good story, designed to reassure the readers that they can go back to sleep, nothing has to change:

In an interview last fall, the center’s associate director told The Herald that researchers there also are exploring jet fuel made from “home grown” crops — a technology thought to be ready in the not too distant future.