It’s Tuesday, July 23, and the Green New Deal is now as popular as legalizing weed.

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A new poll from NPR, PBS Newshour, and Marist College shows that the Green New Deal, only recently popularized by progressive Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is seriously catching on with the public.

In the survey of 1,346 Americans of voting age, the Green New Deal has a higher approval rating than implementing a carbon tax and re-entering the Paris climate agreement, the no-brainer climate move supported by all the Democrats running for president.

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The plan enjoys wide popularity among almost all demographics: people with and without college degrees, white people as well as people of color, urban and rural Americans, and both people who earn less than and more than $50,000.

A whopping 86 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Independents are in favor of the plan. And this probably comes as no surprise: Only 26 percent of Republicans are enthusiastic about the Green New Deal.

The ambitious plan, which is still under development, has a higher approval rating than a wealth tax, a semi-automatic assault gun ban, and free college tuition. The only issue with the same level of public support? Legalizing marijuana.

Zoya Teirstein

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