You can finally do something about the frigid temperatures at work other than whine and pretend a Snuggie is business casual. New app CrowdComfort tallies employee votes about whether it’s too hot or cold straight from your smartphone, mapping out what parts of the office are uncomfortable and helping building managers save energy.
CrowdComfort’s creators are based in the Boston area, where humid summers and snowy winters make climate-controlled workspaces a must. The app, however, is more quantitative and, ultimately, more fair than just having your bossiest coworker get up to fiddle with the thermostat.
CrowdComfort’s gotten interest from some impressive names, reports Fast Company:
[I]ts first customers are GE, with one of its 300,000-square-foot buildings, and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, which is interested in using the app in trains and stations.
A train station that’s not hot and muggy? Sign us up.