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How extreme weather supersizes global food price tags
A new Oxfam report argues that previous research grossly underestimates future food prices by ignoring the impact of severe weather shocks to the global food system.
Hurricane Isaac left the Gulf Coast ankle-deep in dead swamp rats
Nutria, a rodent brought to the U.S. over a century ago, are still all over the Gulf Coast today -- but there are now 5,000 fewer of them after Hurricane Isaac.
Projecting the very hot future of California’s cities
A state panel outlines the expected spike in the number of extremely hot days for California cities.
The futility of climatespotting: No matter what he says, Obama can’t make big moves on climate
Climate hawks have been reduced to "climatespotting," counting the number of times "climate change" is uttered by a politician. Given political gridlock, it's a pointless exercise.
Short awesome video explains why oil companies suck to people who already know
This nifty/depressing video explains how yes, technically, there’s more oil, but the financial and environmental costs of reaching it make it so that it really might as well not exist.
Did climate change cause the Great Lobster Invasion of 2012?
The Slow Ride Stories crew takes this question to the guys who know this creature best -- the lobstermen of Glocester, Mass. The answer? Well, depends who you’re asking.
Obama to college students: ‘Denying climate change won’t make it stop’
Obama doesn't like to talk much about climate change -- except to select audiences of those who will suffer the most from global warming: college students.
As you enjoy your Labor Day, here’s something to worry about
The negative feedback loop of greenhouse-gas release from thawing permafrost is in full swing in Siberia.
Global food prices spike 10% in July, thanks largely to drought
Seventy-eight percent of the U.S. corn crop is in fair or worse condition.
Drought is ruining people’s ability to throw cow dung at things
When it’s really hot and dry out, cows stay near the barn. When cows stay near the barn, they do not poop in open fields. When cows don’t poop in open fields, those fields don’t get full of dried-out manure chips. When the fields don’t get full of dried-out manure chips, people have nothing to […]