A friend of mine was a bit surprised by a sponsored post that appeared in her Facebook timeline this morning.

That image linked here. (I do not recommend reading the comments you’ll find there.) It was followed by this text:

There is no debating coal’s abundance & affordability.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

SHARE this post and stand with coal: americaspower.org/energy-action-center

Now here’s a quiz to see if you’ve been paying attention for the past few months: Can you guess the state in which my friend lives?

If you guessed “Ohio,” nice job. You’re correct.

Ohio is ground zero in the war over coal, and not only because it’s home to Murray Energy’s Robert Murray (who I’m convinced is actually Montgomery Burns in an Ed Asner costume). Both the Obama and Romney campaigns have trumpeted their adoration for coal in ads running throughout the state, two suitors trying to outdo one another with awkward displays of affection for the grimy black rocks.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

The website plugged in the ad, America’s Power, is a project of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. (We’ve reached out to the group for more information on the ad. No word back yet.) ACCCE is also the group behind a two-minute pro-coal ad currently airing in swing states (like, you know, Ohio). The America’s Power webpage that the ad points to is a retread of standard “war on coal” rhetoric, and includes this amusing bit:

A recent study found that over the past decade energy costs have nearly doubled as a percentage of the annual family budget. Heavy handed regulations from the EPA are making what we pay for energy an even greater burden on our families and our businesses.

The “recent study” is by the unbiased, rigorous American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity.

In case you’re wondering, my friend was not convinced.