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  • SF baseball stadium goes solar

    Baseball season has started, and the Seattle Mariners are 2 and 1, which means the weather is still fair for this fan. If I lean a bit from my desk, I can see the M’s Safeco Field out of Grist’s downtown-office window. I cannot wait until some large building is named after Tampax. Or Ex-Lax. […]

  • Meghan Meyers, founder of green-wedding mag Portovert, answers questions

    Meghan Meyers. What work do you do? What’s your job title? I’m the founder and CEO of Portovert Magazine. How does it relate to the environment? Portovert is the first and only eco-savvy wedding magazine. We share inspirational tips and ideas on ways to have a stylish and sustainable event. You’ll find a mix of […]

  • In Second Life

    How did Grist miss this one last week, as reported by National Geographic News?

    Tokyo, Amsterdam, and the entire Mediterranean island of Ibiza were inundated with floodwaters today due to rising sea levels brought on by global warming.


  • Gore to open Tribeca film fest

    This just in: The Goracle will open the Tribeca Film Festival on April 25, playing host for the global-warming-themed SOS Short Films Program. The program features seven short films and music performances by groups set to appear at the Live Earth concerts on 7/7/07.

  • The latest attempt to make learning about the environment fun is … not fun

    Starbucks and Global Green USA have teamed up to put together a new online game called Planet Green. The objective: Travel around a small town called Evergreen (Get it? Ever ... green ... ha!) looking for ways to save on CO2 emissions.

    The game reminds me of something that might be produced to teach small children about the dangers of sexual predators or crossing the street in heavy traffic. Well-intentioned, yes. A whole lotta fun? Heck to the no.

  • UC system greens electronics program

    Yolanda just posted a bit on UC Berkeley’s pending approval/disapproval of a Green Initiative Fund. And in more green UC news, last week all of the UC system got a little greener by passing an “Environmental Sustainability Policy” that includes provisions on energy, global warming, waste, and eco-friendly electronics purchasing. As part of that pledge, […]

  • Berkeley students vote on a new sustainability fund

    Tomorrow through Friday, UC Berkeley students will vote "yay" or "nay" on TGIF (aka the Green Initiative Fund), a $5 increase in their per-semester fees that will be used to finance "initiatives on renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource conservation, and 'green' student internships."

    Last year, UC Santa Barbara (my school, fools) passed TGIF. Now Berkeley folks are playing catch up with this incredibly slick online campaign. Most compelling statistic: UC Berkeley uses as much electricity as Cambodia.

    Video below the fold.

  • Heart of Glass

    Wracked with plastic-bottle worries, parents turn to an old standby Anxious parents are snatching up glass baby bottles after a February report showed that plastic bottles can contain bisphenol A, a chemical that mimics estrogen. One website saw about a tenfold increase in glass-bottle sales before running out; a company in Ohio got 300 glassy-eyed […]

  • How many washed-up reality stars does it take to screw the environment?

    According to Ecorazzi, Kelly Osbourne became a mite confused last Thursday night en route to a party for Dita von Teese. Said party was being held at the same venue as Elle magazine's "Green Bash," and the Spawn O' Ozzy ended up on the wrong red carpet.

    Her reaction when she realized her mistake? "Screw the environment."

    Get in line, Kelly. Get in line.

  • Socially conscious mail-order movies

    For others who like a multimedia array of news and issues, be sure to check out the Ironweed Film Club, “a monthly progressive film festival on DVD.” Sorta like Netflix, but you get to keep them. And they’ve got a specifically progressive/independent bent, bringing movies and issues to your doorstep that you aren’t likely to […]