Climate Food and Agriculture
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Feedlot frenzy: Should we shun grass-fed beef for the sake of the climate?
Don’t fence us in! Despite a new study’s findings, free-range meat still has a green streak.
Round up the usual suspicious studies (but don’t link to them)
We picked some bad science to support our post on new findings about herbicide contamination of the atmosphere in the Mississippi Delta. Here's the scoop.
Someone found the world’s oldest cheese, and it’s from 1615 B.C.
This means the stuff we found under the bed is still fair game, right?
Feds will help honeybees find food
The government will spend $3 million to encourage farmers and ranchers to provide nutritious honeybee nectar in the Midwest.
GMO, yeah? 5 surprises from an otherwise boring look at genetically modified crops
We dig into the USDA’s deep-dive report on GMO crops and unearth five things worth paying attention to.
Ocean bottomliner: Why Mike Bloomberg is investing in fish
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg dropped $53 million in the bucket toward solving our ever-increasing ocean woes.
It takes how much water to grow an almond?!
Why California's drought is a disaster for your favorite fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Microscrewed: Why California’s drought could muck up local beers
Using groundwater instead of Russian River water would be akin to brewing with Alka-Seltzer, says the head brewer at Lagunitas.
New Hot Pockets flavor: Diseased animal meat!
Well, there’s no WAY we’ll stuff them in our pants to keep warm now.
This video explains why the “natural” label is a bunch of all-natural bull
This spoof ad pokes fun at companies that slap a “natural” label on artificial, preservative-laden lab creations.