Delicious mass-manufactured chocolate Easter eggs are, predictably, terrible for the environment, as many brands include an excessive amount of palm oil, the production of which requires ruining forests. Not exactly the stuff of springtime and renewal.

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So, instead of going out and buying these delicious morsels of doom, may we suggest that you make them from scratch? That way they will be more delicious and less full of death and destruction.

On Food52, Ashley Rodriguez explains her technique for making a version of Cadbury Creme Eggs. These aren’t healthy, but they use ingredients like “butter” and “syrup” and “vanilla beans” instead of strange chemicals you can’t pronounce. And they end up looking beautiful:

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We are not experts on Jewish law, but theoretically, these could be kosher for Passover, too. Plus, again, less death and destruction! Pretty much the main thing we look for in candy.