It takes some real skill to simultaneously make Fox News think youâre seeding childrenâs brains with liberal time-bombs, AND piss off environmentalists with your transparent pandering to the auto industry. But the upcoming Lorax movie has managed it. We SAID it was an abomination.
I sort of missed the fact that someone let Lou Dobbs back on TV, but heâs got his old-man panties in a bunch over commie brainwashing from The Lorax and the upcoming Borrowers movie which I refuse to call by its stupid non-Borrowers title.
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Both of them promote the appalling liberal values of âsharingâ and âfairness,â which are definitely NOT what we should be teaching our children. And the Lorax is also âpartnering with companies to push eco-friendly products,â and we all know what that leads to.
Apparently, it leads to buying cars. Because The Lorax is also partnering with Mazda, giving the companyâs CX-5 model the âcertified Truffula tree seal of approval.â
Okay, first of all, âcertified Truffula tree seal of approvalâ is not a thing. Second, if youâll remember, what threatened the Truffula trees in the book was rampant overuse and industrialism. There is literally no way to MANUFACTURE A CAR that is actually âTruffula-tree friendly,â because manufacturing is exactly what Truffula trees do NOT need. I realize Iâm getting worked up about a childrenâs fiction book over here, but hey: at least Iâm not getting as worked up as Lou Dobbs.
I donât really understand how Lou Dobbs thinks Obama went back in time to sneak his pinko âsharingâ values into the 1971 Lorax and the 1952 Borrowers. But I even more donât understand how someone whoâs even stood near a copy of The Lorax could think think that pimping Mazdas was consistent with the bookâs original message. (Go grab the first 7-year-old you see on the street, and see if he or she canât explain to you why thatâs absurd.) Honestly, weâd probably all be better off if this movie would pick itself up by the butt and lift itself on outta here.