Climate Science
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Peter Gleick did not forge Heartland documents
Before the Heartland Institute decided to alienate even right-wing denialists with their OTT billboard campaign, they were already in kind of hot water — some of their internal documents had come to light, and the light was not flattering. Climate scientist Peter Gleick admitted to obtaining the documents under false pretenses, which absolutely scandalized Heartland, […]
Breakthrough Institute gets it wrong on climate economics — again
The Breakthrough Institute is missing the point: Carbon pricing can't do the whole job alone, but that doesn't mean we should dismiss it outright.
Global warming makes syrup taste gross
We’ve known for a while that climate change will threaten supplies of our favorite foods, like wine and bourbon. (Oh, and bacon, coffee, chocolate, oysters, and pecan pie.) But the optimists among us took this news with good humor. “Oh sure, our favorite foods and intoxicants might be a little scarcer,” these imaginary chirpy little […]
Giant snake and giant turtle were besties
Researchers from the University of Florida announced they've found an eight-foot-long prehistoric turtle in the same Colombian mine where the one-ton "Titanoboa" snake was discovered.
Romney choosing climate skeptic as running mate
Virtually all high-level Republicans are dubious about the climate crisis, so what other options does Mitt Romney have?
We’ve lost 30 to 70 percent of our wildlife since 1970
We love wildlife! We love watching it in high definition on our TV screens while David Attenborough says something droll to ease the trauma of looking at a whale penis. (SO FLEXIBLE.) But apparently we don’t love it so much that we’re dedicated to keeping it around. A new report [PDF] from the World Wildlife Fund […]
Puppy rescued after escaping hawk and falling from sky
"When God drops a puppy from the sky, you keep it."
Solar eclipse this weekend!
The Western U.S. is getting an annular eclipse this weekend, which is an eclipse where the moon’s shadow turns the sun into a “ring of fire.” A swath of the country from Oregon down to Texas will see the whole enchilada, and most other Westerners will get to see at least a partial eclipse. Those […]
Ecology of the undead: Life and death in the age of mass extinction
Tropical forest ecologist Rodolfo Dirzo talks about deforestation, “defaunation,” and the ecological concept of “the living dead.”