A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
We're running out of water, and it's sparking unrest across the world.
Let's fact check that, why don't we?
The state wants to power 240,000 homes with solar power by 2020.
Thanks to new policies, investment, and technology, we might be entering the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era.
There’s a historic precedent for the way we talk about a virus we know very little about.
Companies like Walmart and General Motors are starting to defect from the fossil fuel-powered electric grid.
SolarCity installed arrays of panels made by inmates who earned just 93 cents an hour.
Lindsey Graham and George Pataki have the strongest records on climate change, but they're not doing well in the polls.
Jane Mayer's new book traces the story of the conservative billionaires who are trying to reshape the American political landscape.