A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
80 community scientists will hit the streets on Friday to measure temperatures across 300 square miles in 13 cities.
That's 4 times (!) the number of U.S. gas stations.
Net-zero carbon is possible in the United States, but requires significant and immediate investment from the government.
The most exciting part of Apple’s new climate pledge? Low-carbon aluminum.
A Indigenous-led community group says: See you in court.
Knowing how to drive — or even owning a car — doesn't automatically put you on the road to climate ruin.
When a minor disaster shakes up the plans for a local ceremony, a young woman and her colleagues pull together to provide for the community.
A collaboration between houses of worship and the National Wildlife Federation is bringing religious groups deeper into the environmental movement.
As the Colorado River Basin enters yet another year of drought, global companies are worsening the water crisis.