Climate Transportation
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Sidecar lets drivers rent out their empty backseat
In theory, Sidecar is about sharing. Here’s how it’s supposed to work: You’re headed downtown in your car, but before you leave you check your Sidecar app. A user a few blocks down is looking for a ride in the same direction. You swing by, pick her up, and drop her off. Everyone wins by […]
Laser-show bike helmet looks awesome, might actually make you safer
If your first thought when looking at this LED-encrusted bike helmet is “I bet that would make an awesome personal light show for when I shred on my guitar in my bedroom,” you’re not alone. The actual goal of the LumaHelm, though, is to make bikers safer through improved signaling. The entire helmet is armored […]
How will New York respond to thousands more bikers? Angrily, of course
After all, it is New York.
Rio cycle: Canadian bikes to Earth Summit (with a little help from trains and buses)
Last January, sustainability planner Naomi Devine set out from Vancouver, British Columbia, planning to ride her bike to the Earth Summit in Brazil. It didn’t work out the way she imagined, but she still made the rest of us look like chumps.
Electric cars: A shopper’s cheat sheet
There are plenty of EV models to choose from these days, which makes for a complicated decision. Here's a table with basic stats on the major electric and plug-in hybrid cars.
The best, fastest, CRAZIEST urban cyclists in the world
We cannot say this enough: DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING IN THIS VIDEO.
Smarter than a Smart car: A Smart e-bike
Quick, what’s smarter and cuter and more awesome than a Smart car? We’re going to go with a Smart bike, the tiny car’s even-tinier electric bike sibling. The bike’s won all kinds of design awards, and it’s no surprise. It actually still resembles a bike, instead of a cyborg bike with a tumor-looking motor attached, […]
Quite possibly the best bike-for-sale ad ever
A dude in San Luis Obispo is giving up on his hipster dreams, and therefore on his fixie. Result: one of the funnier bike-for-sale Craigslist ads we've seen.
U.N. tries to inspire world bike revolution, doesn’t
Perhaps you read about the U.N.'s event on Friday, dedicated to getting people to ride bikes? If so, you're in the minority. And there's a good reason why.
Check out this 100-year-old electric car
Electric cars are a modern new technology, so modern and unproven that many [Republicans] would say they couldn’t possibly be plausible. Except for how they’ve actually been around since the turn of the 20th century. This photo of an electric car charging (above, click to embiggen) is from 1909, and by that point the technology […]