Today will see a major vote in the U.S. Senate – one that could hugely benefit Big Oil and Big Coal if it passes.

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) will introduce her disapproval resolution that would block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from taking action to limit global warming pollution – even from the biggest polluters like coal plants and oil refineries.

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This resolution has been waiting for a vote for a while – I even wrote about back in March. But we still need your help in stopping it!

Senator Murkowski’s amendment would block EPA from implementing existing and new rules designed to cut pollution and reduce our dependence on oil and coal in favor of clean wind and solar.  It is nothing short of a huge bail out for dirty energy companies. 

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With oil continuing to soak the Gulf and air pollution blanketing most of our urban areas, we need EPA to move forward and cut our use of oil and coal.  As long as we are dependent on dirty forms of energy there will be problems.  At every stage of its life-cycle, from the production to the refining to the burning, oil is filthy and harming our communities and our environment.

Major industrial facilities, including the nation’s more than 500 existing coal plants, are responsible for almost 70% of our country’s global warming pollution. Addressing the pollution from these sources is a key part of the big picture solution to global warming and energy independence.

So please join us right now in calling your Senators and telling them to vote against the Murkowski disapproval resolution. EPA has a critical role in protecting our health, and the health of our environment. We can’t let Big Coal and Big Oil continue to push for and receive loopholes while they pollute our planet.