It’s Monday, February 8, and a pledge drive is aiming to close the fundraising gap in climate activism.

Funding for environmental organizations isn’t equitably distributed to communities of color. A study led by New School researchers found that between 2016 and 2017, only 1.3 percent of grants given to environmental groups in the Gulf and Midwest went to organizations dedicated to environmental justice.

A new initiative hopes to close that gap. Last week, the Donors of Color Network, a philanthropic group devoted to racial equity, launched a new campaign called the Climate Funders Justice Pledge. The campaign urges major donors to shift 30 percent of their climate-related donations to Black-, Indigenous-, and people of color-led organizations.

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“People say we have 10 years to solve the climate crisis but people of color are living it right now,” Ashindi Maxton, co-founder of the Donors of Color Network, told the Associated Press. “Organizations led by people of color are chronically underfunded.”

A number of philanthropic groups have already taken the pledge, including the Kresge Foundation, which has already granted $30 million to support racial justice and community-led organizations across the country.

Editor’s note: Grist has received funding from the Kresge Foundation.

Alexandria Herr

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Need-to-know basis

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Cameron Oglesby