Mask your excitement
Are you ready for a green Halloween, boos and ghouls? Get freaky with a pumpkin keg and vegan gingerbread massacre. We’re thinking about trick-or-treating as Cameron Diaz again, but maybe we’ll actually wear a costume this year.
A history of violence
The Italian mafia has turned to environmental crime (because horse heads are so 1972). In other news, lead exposure may increase crime rates. Just give us back Dora, boys, and nobody else gets hurt.
Photo: iStockphoto
Mattel it like it is
Decapitated-Barbie jewelry: fun and fashionable? Or a gateway drug to this?
Photo: Margaux Lange
Breath of fresh air conditioning
Overheard in Yosemite: “I’d rather be at the mall … [Outdoors] the only thing you look at is the trees, grass, and sky.” Nature-haters, thank your lucky simulated stars for fake trees, painted grass, and indoor sky.
Photo: alwaysgreengrasspainting.com
Music to our fears
“Consumerism! The Musical” would be much more convincing as satire if the depicted lifestyle wasn’t so dang appealing. A llama ride? Pick us, pick us!
Photo: Whitestone Motion Pictures