Usually when a big, fancy company wants to build a concept store, it spends a lot of money on a lot of fancy whatnot that looks vaguely cool and will go into the trash after just a couple of months. But at a store in Shanghai, Nike flipped that idea on its head and built a concept store entirely out of trash.

It took, Environmental Leader says, “5,500 soda cans, 2,000 PET water bottles and 50,000 old CDs and DVDs.” The DVDs turned into foldable ceiling panels, the water bottles turned into tension cables, and the cans turned into metal joints. Here’s what that all looks like:

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As you can see, it’s just the interior that’s made out of trash — not the concrete walls and floors, for instance. The company that built this store for Nike actually has built an entire building out of trash, though, Environmental Leader says: It’s called the EcoARK, and it’s in Taipei. Next project: Put the trash store in the trash building.