This is a time of year when, allegedly, lots of people are having lots of sex, because bed is a far preferable place to be than the cold unpleasantness that is outside.
But here is something to remember, if you are one of these mythical, winter-sex-having people: If you do not want that sex to produce a baby at this point in your life, try to remember to use protection! If you don’t already use a long-term form of birth control, like an IUD, condoms are an excellent choice.
Which brings us to this new video from L. Condoms, Talia Frenkel’s vegan, sustainably produced brand of prophylactics. This is the company’s second video focusing on the idea that “good men” use toxin-free, carbon-consciously manufactured condoms.
Yes, well, OK. Good men also use mass-market condoms with artificial ingredients. If you are respecting the wishes of your partner and using whatever kind of contraception the two of you have agreed is best, congratulations! You are being a good man. If you’d like that contraception to be sustainably sourced, all the better, but — as I’ve said before and will say a thousand times more before I die, probably — the fact that you’re using contraception at all has a much bigger positive climate impact.
And furthermore, good men do not have to eat an oyster like that in public. Leave a little to the imagination, babe.