It’s Friday, March 27, and studies show you don’t need fossil fuels to live long and prosper.

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Over the past 40 years, energy consumption and the use of fossil fuels have grown rapidly. At the same time, global life expectancy has gone up. Are fossil fuels the reason why? No — or at least they’re not the main reason, according to a new study published Thursday in Environmental Research Letters.

Longer lives are not dependent on increased energy use, researchers found after surveying life expectancy, carbon emissions, and energy use per capita in 70 countries around the world. Previous research has shown that life expectancy is highly correlated to a nation’s energy use at any single point in time. But, by looking at life expectancies over a longer period, researchers turned the assumption that a longer life requires fossil fuels on its head.

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Between 1971 and 2014, growth in personal energy use and carbon emissions accounted for at most a quarter of improvements in international life expectancy. The average lifespan increased by 14 years over that time period. Fossil fuel use accounted for less than four of those additional years.

“Our results directly counter the claims by fossil fuel companies that their products are necessary for well-being,” lead author Julia Steinberger, from the University of Leeds, said. “Reducing emissions and primary energy use, while maintaining or enhancing the health of populations, should be possible.”

Zoya Teirstein

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Need-to-know basis

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Emily Pontecorvo