On Saturday, as U.N. climate negotiations plodded toward a finish, Friends of the Earth International staged a geolocation action. Its activists spread out to key points across Paris and transmitted their locations via GPS to spell out ā€œClimate Justiceā€ and ā€œPeace.ā€

"climate justice peace" on map


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The day before, Greenpeace used ā€œeco-paintā€ to turn the streets around the iconic Arc de Triomphe into a giant sun. Message: Go solar, go renewable. Video from Mashable:

Greenpeace also dangled a special message for the French president off the Arc de Triomphe: ā€œMister Hollande, renew the energy.ā€

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A Greenpeace activist hangs with a banner reading "Mister Hollande, renew energy" from the top of the Arc de Triomphe during a protest on the Champs Elysees avenue in Paris, France, December 11, 2015 as part of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21).

Reuters / Charles Platiau

A week earlier, activists spelled out exactly what they wanted from COP21:

activists spelling "100% renewable" with their bodies in front of Eiffel Tower

Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectral Q