Climate Food and Agriculture
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How can we stop the world from having too many babies? Feed more people
If we aim to slow the rocketing population graph, all the evidence points in the same direction: prosperity cuts the birth rate, which will spare the planet.
Weed could be resistant to GMO labeling in Colorado
Colorado is gearing up for a ballot fight on labeling genetically engineered food products. It looks like the initiative doesn't give cannabis a pass.
America’s favorite nut is bad for water, good for cows
U.S. almond demand has grown by more than 220 percent since 2005.
How to cool down with wild mint
Try some field mint ice tea or a wild spearmint pear chocolate cake.
A Las Vegas community garden beats the odds
A silver lining to the economic downturn that brought Vegas to its knees: People may be setting down roots.
We are what we eat, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change
Food is identity. So making diets healthier and more sustainable isn't easy. We can begin by cutting out the hectoring and lecturing.
What to do with an overload of garlic scapes
Whip those garlic scapes into shape -- but make sure you save some for sautéeing, deep-fying, topping pizzas, and more.
How to forage for wild berries
A primer on American-born berries, plus a pie for whatever berries you have on hand.
Cargill promises to get right with palm oil
The agricultural giant joins a growing bandwagon of companies pledging not to promote deforestation as they supply their (and our) vegetable-oil habits.
Farming bluefin tuna might be out of our depths
Because sushi connoisseurs have nearly wiped wild bluefin out, some scientists are trying to domesticate them. But, it turns out, tuna farming is no easy plow.