The company that literally turned energy generation into childā€™s play ā€” it makes a soccer ball that generates energy ā€” has a new way to charge your gadgets while running around and having fun. Now kids can generate energy not just when they play soccer, but when they jump rope. Just 15 minutes of jumping rope can power a small device.

The rope ā€œuses the spinning rope to generate an electrical charge in the handle,ā€ says Treehugger. At $129, this isnā€™t one of those devices thatā€™s going to save you much money. Itā€™s more a donation to the organization, which is aiming to bring the cost down to a price point that works for the developing world. Plus, the organization says, ā€œEach PULSE you purchase gives one child the opportunity to join a SOCCKET Team, providing access to renewable SOCCKET power and an inspiring STEM education curriculum.ā€

But you get a cool prize as a bonus. You can then either make your kids jump rope in order to charge the handheld electronic devices they will then zone out in front of, or just do it yourself and feel that much better about your exercise regime.