Google may be secretly trying to destroy the world with carbon emissions. In theory, Google Street View enables us all to visit places we’d never otherwise access from the low-carbon comfort of our own homes. But, in reality, most of these tours — including this new one of Poland’s Wieliczka Salt Mine — seems designed to make everyone who sees them buy a plane ticket IMMEDIATELY to fly halfway around the world.
Because, really, how can you see this mine — with its chandeliers made of salt, its replica of the Last Supper, carved into a wall of rock salt, and its Virgin Mary, also made of salt — and not want to go there as soon as possible?

Google Street View
The mine was in operations for centuries and has been a tourist destination since the 1400s. The first visitor’s book was begun in 1775. You can also get subterranotherapy — “treatment services in the underground mining chambers with the use of a unique micro-climate: an air free of pollution and allergens, rich in micronutrients, with a constant temperature, high humidity, and free from harmful radiation.”
Sadly, that high humidity is also slowly dissolving all the magical sculptures, so if you want to see them for yourself, you should buy a plane ticket soon!
Agh, see what I mean? ::shakes fist at Google::