Climate in the Time of Coronavirus

Grist is all about climate and environment, but for the moment, there’s a new most-pressing issue gripping the world: the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The way that humanity tackles this pandemic parallels how it might fight warming — there are stories of government preparedness, individual action, and transformative change. Grist is still all about climate and environment; today we are looking at them through a new, profound lens.
In This Series
Locusts and coronavirus: A Biblical nightmare strikes the horn of Africa
Locust swarms are multiplying in eastern Africa as farmers plant their next harvest and the coronavirus threat grows.
What storytelling means in times of crisis
Crises test our character, and what drives my reporting is the desire to understand how humans survive these tests.
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Join us for a conversation about climate, science, and COVID-19 uncertainty.
As oil crashes, ‘America’s untapped energy giant’ could rise
The coronavirus oil crash could be good news for this renewable energy underdog.
Study: The tiniest bit of air pollution makes COVID-19 more deadly
While Trump lifts curbs on air pollution, researchers connect dirty air with coronavirus deaths.
A jail built on a landfill is at the center of America’s coronavirus outbreak
As of Tuesday morning, 287 New York City inmates and 406 jail staff had already tested positive for COVID-19.
Coronavirus myth-busting: The truth about empty shelves and toilet paper shortages
The sudden shift in the way Americans shop is stunning.
One of coronavirus’s lasting legacies: The end of work as we knew it
Coronavirus has shocked businesses into low-carbon practices. Will they stick?
Coronavirus could cause the first big emissions drop in a decade
Coronavirus cleared the smog in NYC and LA. What about greenhouse gases?