The Paris climate talks: Yes oui can!

We’ll keep you posted as heads of state butt heads, as negotiators twist arms, and as activists make noise and demand that world leaders get their asses in gear.
In This Series
Paris Agreement represents progress on cutting emissions, but not so much on climate justice
The rich countries largely got their way in Paris.
Surprise! The Paris climate agreement is in your house
Allow us to break down a pretty complicated Paris climate deal for you -- using everyday household objects.
Coal boss fears industry will be “hated and vilified” after Paris Agreement
The head of Europe’s coal lobbying association says his industry may be viewed in the same way that slave traders once were.
Republicans still hope to throw a wrench in the Paris climate deal
Electing a GOP president might do the trick.
The Paris Agreement has a few ideas about how to curb deforestation
The new climate deal offers the possibility of market and non-market approaches to saving the world's trees.
Will the financial world wake up to clean energy thanks to Paris?
Oil is in trouble already in the global marketplace. Could the new climate agreement deliver a knockout punch?
The good news about farming and the Paris climate talks
Agriculture isn't mentioned in the big climate deal. So what? The conclave did embrace major new research into how soil can soak up carbon.
How U.S. negotiators made the Paris climate deal Republican-proof
White House officials helped craft a deal Republicans wouldn't be able to stop -- and the effort required major political capital.
Green groups are deeply divided on whether the Paris Agreement is a win or loss
The Democratic presidential candidates are divided too.